Thursday, May 10, 2007

Manners, Anyone?

Well, I've strained a muscle in my hip - so I've been told to take a week off of working out in order for it to heal. Hope I don't lose any ground!!!

Anyway, I chose to take myself to the movies today and see a movie that I had been wanting to see - Perfect Stranger. It was a little heavy on the foul language (what isn't these days?), but it was a good story with a nice little twist.

Ok - so I'm in the middle of this movie with about 5 other people when this lady who is sitting about 3 seats down from me has a ringing cell phone. She ACTUALLY answers it! Then continues to have a conversation for about 5 minutes. As she hangs up, she tells the person on the other end that she would have to ask her husband and call them back. THE NERVE! So, instead of getting up and leaving to make her "important phone call," she decides to call her husband right then and there! I couldn't believe it. . . . . what a JERK. (I want to use another term, but since this blog is "rated G", I won't!) So she calls her husband and continues to talk another 5 minutes. But wait! She has one more phone call to make.

Before she did so, I had the guts to address her and ask her, "Are you here to watch the movie or talk on the phone?" It may have been rude on my part, but I was the closest aggrivated movie-goer to her, and was totally fed up, so I felt it was my duty to do so. She retorted, "I'm sorry, was I that loud?" I informed her that she was and that we couldn't hear the movie over her phone converstaion. I said, "Can't you take the phone call outside?" She said, "No, but you can go outside." WHATEVER! I informed her that I wouldn't do that, but I would go and get the manager so that he could show her outside himself. . . .

Well, I actually did it - I figured it was worth missing 5 more minutes of the movie in order to not have to sit through the remainder of her phone calls. The manager came after I returned and spoke with her . . . she was very angry - and I DIDN'T CARE! As she looked at me with a nasty expression, she said "That was rude, thanks alot, B---h." I know it was bad, but I was sowing my oats and I answered her, "Oh, was that rude? . . . . . .So sorry." (I have to admit it was Sassy . . . but like I said, at this point, I didn't care)

She looked like she was gonna slap me - in a way, I kind of wish she would have . . . I could have pressed charges - that would have made me feel much better. I'm so tired of people having absolutley no respect for others and just flat out being IDIOTS.

Anyway, as she was leaving, I heard several Thank You's and a quiet round of applause from the other movie-goers. We were able to finish the movie in peace.

I have done my good deed for the day! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a different world, Christy. I hear someone talking, and no one is with them; see people walking and talking on the cell phone-everywhere. The worst thing to see is people driving with a phone in one hand. The manual that came with mine says to pull over to talk. I learned that use of a cell phone near someone with a pacemaker, or fribulator, can kill them. We can't have them on in the patient area of the nursing home. Be careful; rude people might retaliate. Mom/Vicki.