Friday, July 4, 2008

Doctor Results

Well, I was finally able to talk to another doctor, and his opinion agreed with my Oncologist/Hematologist. So, here are the facts:
1)Official diagnosis: Secondary Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) - aka "Pre-Lukemia"
2) What does this mean?
a) My bone marrow "factory" is not producing enough blood cells, and some of the ones it is producing are malformed.
The malformed blood cells are unable to carry iron/oxygen (and everything else) to the rest of the body as it should,
resulting in severe anemia.
b) This is also the reason my spleen is enlarged - the spleen's job is to "eat up" cells that are not functioning correctly - so,
when the blood cells pass through the spleen, it absorbs them, causing it to eventually become enlarged.
c) This syndrome is labeled as "Pre-Lukemia" because in 40-60 % of the cases, it will turn into Lukemia over the passing years - it could be
in a matter of 5-10 years, or 30 years down the road. Lukemia in the adult stages of life is not cureable . . . but can be treated and slowed down.
Right now, my body does not have any signs of being anywhere close to Lukemia - so that was good news - and my Dr. will continue to watch it
3) What can be done about it?
a) in SEVERE cases (cases leading towards Lukemia), a bone marrow transplant is suggested. However, I am not a good candidate
for a bone marrow transplant because my body has been exposed to Chemotherapy and Radiation. I run a HIGH risk of rejecting
the transplant, therefore leading to even more serious health problems.
b) in some cases, they will treat it with Chemotherapy - but since my case is CAUSED by chemotherapy, it is really dumb to subject
me to more chemo - it will only cause more problems . . . . so we WON'T do this one.
c) treatment usually consists of just treating the symptoms, which will include:
i) periodic blood transfusions (but not too many, as too many can cause a severe spike in iron, and result in having to do
treatments similar to dialysis in order to filter the overflow of iron in the body) This will give me more "correctly functioning"
red blood cells, more white cells and more platelettes. However, they will diminish over time as they get used up - and in time,
another transfusion will be needed - but we can't go overboard on them (as stated above) - so we combine it with other items listed below.
ii) periodic iron infusions (which, last time - during chemo, caused a brief bout of kidney stones, and I was in the emergency room hooked up to morophine 2 nights in a row - but maybe that won't happen again when we do this in the future)
iii) monthly "Arinesp" shots - which give you more energy, and help to keep you out of the anemic state - I had these during chemo.
iv) PRAY that this doesn't turn into Lukemia over the upcoming years -
That's pretty much all I have for you now - I know a lot of you were waiting to hear what the doctors had to say . . . and there you have it. I'm not happy about it, but what are you going to do?!?!?!? I had to have the chemo or I may not be alive for very many years - but at the same time - for the cure of one thing to turn into the cause of another is quite the BUMMER. I'm a "fix-it" person, and the fact that there is no "easy fix" for this problem is driving me crazy. However, I'm not showing signs of anything worse at the moment, so I'm fixating on the good news, and dealing with the rest the best I can.
Pray for me! I can definitely use it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you, Christy. I wish you well. We all love you very much. Vicki